Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas Lights in Williamson County

If you don't know me, let me explain that I have a crush on Williamson County, Tennessee, the home of Franklin, Brentwood, and Leipers Fork. This area is home to many musicians, actors, athletes, and healthcare professionals from all over, not just from the Nashville area. I had the pleasure of visiting the area- which I hope to soon live in- while it was decorated for Christmas. I took several photos that I have shared below. If you haven't had a chance to visit Historic Downtown Franklin or Historic Leipers Fork, I suggest checking it out! Not only is it a beautiful area, but the locals are incredibly friendly and you get to experience that southern hospitality you've always heard about. Keep a close watch on your heart though- because I promise you- you WILL fall in love with it.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Twas The Night Before A Coastal Christmas

adapted by Lindsey Rinaldi

Twas the night before a coastal Christmas, when all through the coast
Not a creature was stirring, not even a ghost.
The stockings were hung in the palm trees with care,
In hopes that St Nicholas soon would be there.

The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of beach balls danced in their heads.
And mamma in her bikini, and I in my Speedo,
Had laid out too long earlier, and were as tan as a guido.

When out on the sand there arose such a clatter,
I ran out on the balcony to see what was the matter.
Away to the beach I flew like a flash,
Tore open the pool gate and heard a big splash.

The moon on the breast of the sugar white sand
Gave the lustre of mid-day to my fresh golden tan.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a miniature yacht, and eight elves on the pier.

With a little old driver, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment it must be St Nick.
More rapid than pelicans, his coursers they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name!

"Now Dasher! now, Dancer! now, Prancer and Vixen!
On, Comet! On, Cupid! on Donner and Blitzen!
To the top of the dune! To the top of the seawall!
Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!"

As houses that before the wild hurricane fly,
When they meet with an obstacle, fall apart in the sky.
So up to the jetty, the coursers they floated,
With the boat full of toys, and St Nicholas, who was loaded.

And then, in a twinkling, I heard by the pool
The prancing and pawing, one of 'em had drool.
As I drew in my head, and was turning around,
Down the harbor St Nicholas came with a bound.

He was dressed all in boardshorts, from his waist to his knees,
And his clothes were all tarnished with oil from the seas.
A bundle of Toys he had flung on his back,
And he looked like a beach bum, just opening his Jack.

His eyes-how they twinkled! his chest was so hairy!
His cheeks were like roses, he tanned like a fairy!
His long white hair was tied up in a band,
And the beard of his chin was as white as the sand.

The hair of a coconut he held tight in his teeth,
And he wore palm tree leaves on his head like a wreath.
He had a broad face and a little round tummy,
And a whole pot of gumbo that sure did look yummy!

He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old cap'n,
And I laughed when I saw him, and the course he was mappin!
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
I thought "I'm not in Memphis no more, I know I'm not dead!"

He spoke not a word, but went straight to the bar,
And filled all of the glasses, then turned up a Mason jar.
And laying his finger aside of his nose,
And giving a nod, up the tiki he rose!

He sprang to his boat, to the dolphins gave a whistle,
And away they all swam, their tails gave a wiggle.
But I heard him exclaim, as he boated out of sight,
"Sandy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night!"

Friday, October 19, 2012

It Doesn't Matter If You're Black or White

If I see one more post about a black person saying "how many blacks are gonna vote for Romney", I'm gonna lose my ish!!! RACE does NOT define political party!!!!! There are SEVERAL BLACK conservatives, and it's ASININE that the rest of their race gives them grief for being such, and there are several WHITE democrats. Why does it bother people so much?! I mean, I'm bothered that ANYONE could support Obama, but it has jack squat to do with Obama's color or their color. 

I thought years ago black people wanted equality, yet every time you turn around, they are saying this SIGN discriminates against them, or this AD is about them, etc, and they play the race card, and tell others to vote for Obama "because he is one of them". Guess WHAT?!!? At the end of the day, we are ALL human, we ALL have a brain (some better than others ;) ), and we ALL have the same RIGHTS. 

No ONE person is better than the next because of skin color, political affiliation, job, size of house, size of income, etc. Mitt Romney is not better than someone living in the projects because he is wealthy; he is wealthy because he got an education and took risks that he was fortunate with. No one ever got rich and stayed in the free society by collecting from the government and selling drugs. Don't hate on Mitt, let him INSPIRE you. 

This election is about our COUNTRY; not the honky or the brother who are running. GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEADS!!

THANKS, I'm out. :)

Monday, October 15, 2012


I still just canNOT comprehend how anyone can say they lean towards Obama. It baffles me, especially when they cite reasons such as healthcare and education. You know...the healthcare that you will be TAXED if you don't have, the healthcare that will decide who, what, when, where when it comes to your procedures, doctors, and IF you will even GET care. The healthcare that once was offered by mo
st employers and is now being taken AWAY by most employers because they can no longer afford to operate with it. And the education that has already got one state having different target standards based on a student's RACE. THAT is the direction Obama is taking us in. A direction where things will COST MORE, FEWER jobs will be available, which means with fewer people working, there will be LESS consumption and fewer consumers, which means even MORE people end up out of work, where if you don't have a job, you won't be able to afford healthcare on your own and if you don't carry health insurance, you will pay a fine which comes in the form of a TAX that Mister Obama PROMISED he would never impose on the middle class. A direction where more and more kids will go to college, incur large debts, and then not be able to pay it back due to the lack of jobs. A direction where the cost of gas is going up because our president wants to deny us of our own resources and instead give the money to foreign countries. A direction where soon China will own us. Is that where YOU want this country to go? I know I don't. Do your homework, people. Don't sit on the side and go "I don't know much about politics." EDUCATE YOURSELF!!! READ!! But if you stand around and are lazy about knowing what the REAL issues are at hand, you have absolutely NO business bitching about it when you don't get the result you want. It's time to turn things around. And after four long, dreadful years, we have that ability. The time has come. Let's make this time be beneficial for US and not some celebrity wannabe community organizer. Let's make Obama be a one term president and get this country back on the RIGHT track.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

How I Came To Make My Own "Movie"

If you know me, you know that I enjoy live television production.  The excitement of the behind-the-scenes atmosphere is an experience like no other.  You must be prepared for hiccups in production, inclement weather, which may throw off your broadcast- especially in sports, and interruptions in programming.  Everything is about timing, down to the second.  In sports broadcasting, there is communication that goes on between the network's headquarters to the associate director who is on location to time the return feed to air, making sure commercial timing is as perfect as can be.  In sports, there is oftentimes a rain delay tape that is prepared and on standby just in case- and they are prepared even on the sunniest of days because, let's face it, no one can ever predict the weather 100% of the time.  ;)

Having worked for a few very reputable networks, I have had the privilege of witnessing nationally broadcasted sporting events from inside the TV trucks sitting alongside the director and producer.  Even in a sport that is a slow-paced as golf, the behind-the-scenes is intense.  I have included a video I took a couple years ago of a live golf show going "live to air" on my YouTube page.  There is so much going on and so many people that come together to put one three hour golf program on air.  You've got a director communicating with producers and the talent (broadcasters), you've got a producer watching taped golf, another watching live golf, several "spotters" spread out on the course following different groups of golfers reporting back to the producers what golfers are doing what, for example calling in on the headset to tell the producer that Tiger is for Eagle on 16.  You've got the associate director talking directly with the network in New York.  There's another group of guys in another area editing the shots you see on SwingVision.  There's the graphics crew who handle the research on the athletes and create the graphics you see on the screen.  There's a scorekeeper who edits the score on the graphics so that the score you see on TV reflects the score relevant to what of the event has been aired.  There's another truck where someone is editing the music and taped golf.  There's another set of folks who are adjusting the colors you see on TV.  There are cameramen, secretaries, audio guys, caterers, production assistants, interns, etc.  When I say there is a LOT going on, I simply cannot stress it enough without actually having you see it for yourself.  It is so fascinating that I wish everyone could have the opportunity to tour the TV compound just once.  You would be amazed.

Having found this love for live TV and the control room, I have worked whatever gigs I can get- and believe me, they do not come easy.  After over four years of working different events, I have a general understanding of how the entire production is pieced together and understand who is communicating with who, why, and when in order to make it all come together.  It is a difficult field to get into, especially if you do not have special training in the field or did not go to college for TV and film.

I've always been one to want to make home videos- silly videos, videos of my vacation, videos of anything I thought would be a worthwhile watch later on and things I enjoyed and wanted to share with others.  And pictures...  Boy, do I LOVE pictures.  I can fill up gigs of SD cards and I have to usually delete photos and vids off my iPhone in order to take new ones.  A couple weeks ago, I was bored and decided to open up iMovie on my computer and see what it was all about.  Having never used it before, I literally played around with it, importing videos and photos, for hours.  I figured out how to add music files to the movie, how to fade the music in and out, how to fade to black, how to transition from still shots to videos.  I learned what the Ken Burns effect was.  I learned how to clip videos.  I began to play with the timing of the pictures to have them change to a new photo with the beat of the music.  I amazed myself.  Eight hours later, I had a 10 minute video that chronicled a beach trip my mother and I took for my 29th birthday.

I have now been inspired to produce another movie that chronicles my move to Florida, which is currently a 22 minute film and is not even CLOSE to being finished.  I have chosen to share my creation with you because I am proud of it and because I have taken a passion of mine and combined it with my own emotions and my own videos and photos to produce my very own movie.  I didn't get paid for it and I really never expected anyone other than family and friends to watch it.  But- I enjoyed the process, I enjoyed teaching myself how to use a program without a manual or help from anyone else, and I want to share my accomplishment with you.

Perhaps you have other passions.  Take them and work with them.  Maybe one day I will score a full time gig in TV production, maybe I won't- but I still enjoy it and if I can't do it for a living, I can still make use out of the things I've learned and from the things I taught myself.  Either way, I'm still active with my passion and I encourage you to do the same.  Maybe this will inspire you to take more videos and pictures, maybe it won't.  To me, every day is a photo that will be a memory tomorrow.  Why not capture the moments you want to last?  Take the candid videos.  Save them.  You never know when you might decide to make your own movie.  Sometimes you might go back and watch and laugh; maybe you'll cry.  Just remember to keep doing what you enjoy and don't let go of it even if you can't do it for a living.  Dream big and don't just chase your dreams; catch them.

Our Country's Future Is At Stake

Fortunately for my heart, my brain, my eyes, my sanity and my Facebook friends and Twitter followers, I was out with friends tonight and happily missed the DNC. I did, however, see clips from a few of the speakers and I must say that I have been reassured that I don't need to waste any time watching the rest of it. It is no secret where I stand politically, which I speak often about because I am PASSIONATE about it, and I am a Republican and I am DAMN PROUD of it.

I have watched this country in the last four years lose its AAA credit rating, we've seen our president triple the deficit who promised to CUT IT IN HALF, we've seen 23 million people become unemployed- I would know, I was one of them and still am and I don't factor into that # because I don't collect unemployment, and yet the citizens voted for a man who promised to "create jobs". Well, when something isn't working, you're not going to stick with it.

Do you keep a boyfriend or girlfriend if the relationship isn't working? No. You break up.

If your car breaks down, do you fix it or drive it around for four more years hoping it fixes itself? No, you get it fixed or you get a new one, depending which is more cost effective.

If your refrigerator stops working, your food is going to go bad, you're going to spend more on dining out, as well as for your replacement refrigerator- but no matter what, you're going to get one that actually works and keeps your food cold.

If you get a job, and you fail, is your boss going to keep you and keep letting you "attempt" to do better or is he going to get rid of you and find someone who will actually get the job done? You already know the answer to that.

If you get a good grade in college, do you praise yourself or do you praise everyone in the class? You praise yourself because YOU earned that grade.

If you have a computer virus, are you going to keep using your computer, potentially letting other folks break into your system and gain access to your personal information and possibly starting racking up charges on YOUR money or are you going to take it and get that virus removed?

To me, Obama is like a virus. We need a new remedy because Obama HAS NOT worked. He promised to get the job done in 4 years or be a one term president. Let's hold him to that promise and turn America back around to the America where we are the land of the FREE and home of the brave- not the land of folks who want want want for FREE and home of the people who fear for their future, their children's future, and their grandchildren's future.

Let's get our AAA credit rating back. Let's get these 23 million people BACK to work. Let's stop relying on China to come build our bridges. Let's stop enabling the lazy and handing out hard earned money. Let's lower gas prices. Let's get the economy back on track. Let's get Americans back to feeling comfortable and able to feel safe and secure on their own turf.

That being said...Romney/Ryan '12, baby!!!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Frustrations & Understanding

Life is so frustrating sometimes.  Sure, I am healthy, despite this nasty sinus infection I am battling currently, but otherwise I'm usually 100% most times.  I'm 30 years old and struggling with this economy and horrible job market.  I've got a college degree and find it near impossible to be able to find any employment beyond working in retail or slinging drinks.  I can assure you I didn't go to college for five years and take on several thousands of dollars in student loans to keep waiting tables or fold clothes- not that there is anything wrong with that, it just can't afford my life.

I feel like people assume that I am an outrageous shopper and drop loads of money on clothes and shoes and that my mommy and daddy pay for everything for me simply because I'm an only child.  I would love to know where people come up with their ridiculous assumptions.  I am actually very smart with my money and spend wisely and rarely.  I actually HATE spending $2 on a chicken biscuit at Chick-fil-a or $5 on a Starbucks and I might do that once every 3-4 months, IF that.  I have such a tight grip on my money, it's not even funny.

Here lately I've made posts on Facebook regarding what is, in my opinion, expensive rent in Nashville. I'm not even sure why I bother posting anything like that sometimes because generally it only leads to criticism from people who claim to be "friends".  Hell, what is the real definition of friend now anyway?  Either that or I have these random suggestions to room with someone or just smartass comments that insult me like implying I should get a "rich boyfriend" or "sugar daddy" to fund my move.  I think people often fail to realize that even though all they see is just a string of words on a computer screen that there is actually a real person with real feelings on the other side of another screen who typed them.  Sometimes your words are very offensive and hurtful.  I've decided to roughly outline for people WHY living alone in this economy is NOT affordable for me since no one seems to understand it when I simply state "I cannot afford that."  If $1200 per month in rent is affordable for you, I congratulate you on either not having student loans, having a great job, or being really lucky having rich parents, or being married, thus having dual incomes to make it possible.  I am single, I have student loans with insane interest rates, no thanks to our president, can't find a job or one that would pay enough for me to pay my rent and bills, and do not have rich parents.

The average salary I see being advertised for someone with my qualifications is usually around $27,000-$33,000.  We'll say, for this example, that my rent would be $1000 (and that's not even realistic because most places I've seen are at least that much).  So, let's say I am making $33,000 and bring home about $26,000 after taxes.  I would have to automatically deduct $12,000 from the $26,000 for rent, leaving me $14,000 for the rest of my bills and expenses for the rest of the year.  Whether or not I carry health insurance, I will pay a minimum of $2500 (the tax you incur for not having health insurance - I, however, DO carry health insurance and actually pay closer to $2800 per year).  So let's take $2800 from the $14,000.  Now I'm down to $11,200.  Let's say for utilities, cable, and internet I pay $300, which is likely an overestimate, but at this point, what is a $50 difference?  $300 over the course of a year will add up to be $3600.  Now I'm down to $7600.  I still have to eat, have gas, buy clothes, pay for car insurance, phone, and pay those pesky student loans, etc.  I'm not going to even continue.

When you see that the price of gas is currently about $3.50/gallon and that something as ridiculous as drug store shampoo can cost $8.09 and that American cheese singles can cost $5.79, it is scary and frustrating knowing that as a single woman you literally cannot afford to live by yourself.  And I don't have any single friends in Nashville or Florida that I can room with, so that's not an option.  It bothers me a LOT that I even have to go through this.  I look back now and wish I had either not gone to college and just had taken a receptionist job somewhere and worked my way up because I would likely be further in life than I am now having a college degree.  Sometimes I wish I had just taken an extremely long time in college and worked my way through college and never taken out student loans because I might just now be graduating, but I'd be debt free.  Did I mention that I have ZERO credit card debt?  So what I pay currently is literally what I have to pay; it is not the result of overspending in college or after.  This is why I post things saying "I wonder how people can afford to live".  I know what my situation is and I know what a few others' situations are.  And when you know other people who are in their late 30s and early 40s who either can't make it on their own or can barely get by, it makes you feel hopeless.  Sure, I fire out resumes all the time to no avail.  People talk bad about me because I chose to wait tables for so long- I made very decent money when I worked in that industry even though it wasn't the most ideal situation.  Could I return to bartending or serving and probably do alright?  Absolutely.  But the problem there is the money is never guaranteed and there is no health insurance.

I don't fault anyone for their career choices just as no one should fault me for mine.  I choose to openly discuss my frustrations, really just to get them out, and sometimes to see if someone may have a suggestion that may not have occurred to me.  I enjoy the feedback, but not when it is rude, demeaning, insulting, or chauvinistic.  I don't choose to have people verbally insult or attack me or make cruel comments just because they have access to do so.  So please, have some more respect and understanding.  You never know 100% what someone's situation is and it is not your business to judge.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

"He's Lookin' Thin": A Parody

To the tune of Patrick Swayze's "She's Like The Wind" from "Dirty Dancing"

He's lookin thin just like me
He rides the bike next to me
His skin is like moonlight
Only to burn in the sun
He's smellin' a fart
But he doesn't know what I've done

Feel his sweat on my face
His body's too close to me
Can't look in his eyes
I'm out of his league
He's a fool to believe
I want anything he has
He's lookin' thin

I look in the mirror and all I see
Is a sexy young beast with only a dream
Is he just fooling himself
That I'll stop his pain
Living without me
He'll go insane

Smellin' stank breath on my face
His odor's close to me
Can't look in his eyes
I'm out of his league
Just a fool to believe
I have anything he needs
He's lookin' thin

Feel your breast on my face
You're too damn close to me
Can't look in your eyes
I'm out of your league
Just a fool to believe
(Just a fool to believe)
He's lookin' thin
(He's a fool to believe)
He's a fool to believe
(He's lookin' thin)
Just a fool to believe
(Just a fool to believe)
He's lookin' thin
(Just a fool to believe)
Just a fool to believe
He's so damn thin

(Just a fool...)
(He's lookin' thin)
(Just too damn thin)
(Just a fool...)
(Blows away in the wind)
(Just a fool...)

"Fat A-- Thighs": A Parody

To the tune of "Hungry Eyes" from "Dirty Dancing" - Parody Lyrics

(play the song on YouTube as you read my parody lyrics...makes it funnier)

I've been meaning to tell you
I've got this hunger that won't subside
I look at food and I fantasize
You're mine tonight
Now I've got pants in my size

With these hungry eyes
One look at food and I can't disguise
I've got hungry eyes
I feel the hunger just burning inside

I wanna eat you so hear me out
I wanna show you what fat's all about
Fried chicken tonight
Now I've got clothes in my size

With these big fat thighs
One look at food and I can't disguise
I've got huge ass thighs
I see my fat rolls and realize 
I've got hungry eyes
Now I've got food in my sights
With those hungry eyes
Now let me get some supersize fries

I need you to see
That meal was meant for me

I've got hungry eyes
One look at food and I can't disguise
I've got huge ass thighs
I feel the magic between food and I 
I've got hungry eyes
Now I've got clothes in my size
With those hungry eyes
Now did you make it supersize
With my hungry eyes
I need...
Three large fries
Now I've got fries in supersize
With my hungry eyes

Monday, July 16, 2012

I Nailed It!

So, I used to have fake nails.  I wore those suckers for 11 straight years.  The longest amount of time I was without them is however long it took the manicurist to soak or rip them off and apply a fresh set.  I never had a problem growing nails, I had a problem with my natural nails peeling.  I also had a huge problem painting my actual nail and not my skin.  Being the impatient person I am, I got tired of spending about 3 hours painting my nails, messing one up, then messing up six more nails while trying to remove the polish off of the first one I messed up, and then waiting for the entire mess to dry.  That's when a friend suggested I get acrylic tips.

~I must add here that I was one of those girls that swore she would never be fake- no fake nails, no fake boobs, no fake tan, no fake hair color.  So far, I can say that my boobs are still my own. ~

One fateful day towards the end of my second semester of college, I decided to give the fake nails a try.  For two solid weeks, I had these super thick, polished nails that never once chipped, but did feel incredibly awkward.  If I ever dropped change, I was totally screwed because my nails were too fat to be able to pick it up off the floor.  That part I hated.  I also grew tired of having to go get my nails done every two weeks.  Several years later, once I was waiting tables, therefore constantly washing my hands, I found that the polish on the tips started to wear off on the tips of the nails and the clear coat would peel off.  I then started to get white tips put on and would still go in every 2-3 weeks to get them filled in.  Eventually I just started getting a new set of white tips every month to month and a half and got the gel coat on top which made the nails stay shiny the entire time I had them on.  This was easier because it kept me from having to get them done as often, it saved me money, and white tips don't look as bad when they are growing out as colored polished nails do.

Orly Nailtrition
Salon Sciences Instant Artificials
Almost a year after I had quit the restaurant and bar business, I decided to give my poor natural nails a break and grow them out.  It took about three months for my nails to grow out.  I first buffed my nails out and tried to thin the acrylic as much as possible and then just periodically trimmed my nails until the acrylic finally grew off, while also applying Orly Nailtrition every few days to try to strengthen the natural nail that was now exposed as it grew out.  Every couple weeks I would buff the acrylic some more, trying to get it level with my natural nail, as to give a more natural appearance during this awkward growing out phase.  Once the acrylic had grown over half way off, I began to start painting my nails again.  Eventually the acrylic grew off completely and I started to use Salon Sciences Instant Artificials, which goes on just like a polish and requires two coats (I sometimes only used one) prior to proceeding with your color of choice.  While the product does not make my nails nearly as hard as my acrylics were, it definitely has helped while my nails are still in a softer state.

Sally Hansen Insta-Dri Anti-Chip Top Coat
In this new world of painting my own nails, I have also found what I think is a miracle product for those of us who paint our nails but are incredibly impatient when it comes to waiting for them to dry.  (Is it just me, or do nails seem to dry a LOT faster when you have them done at a salon versus doing them at home?)  This wonderful product is called Insta-Dri Anti-Chip Top Coat by Sally Hansen.  Two minutes after you have used your color of choice on your nails, you follow with a coat of the Insta-Dri and after 30 seconds, the manicure is dry to the touch.  Believe me when I say IT WORKS!

I'm still not totally sold on painting my own nails.  It takes more time than I care to take out of my day to do and I usually end up messing them up within 10 minutes of doing them.  The positive about the whole thing is that I have successfully grown my natural nails out and am getting them healthy and am getting to change up my polish colors pretty frequently, as opposed to all those years of nothing but white tips.  However, I'm changing the polish frequently because it chips off- usually in about 3-5 days.  (I am convinced nail polish shrinks, too.)

**Tip: If you have a problem with your polish chipping, try buffing your nails first.  Buffing your nails smooths out the natural ridges and makes for a smoother surface which helps the polish last longer.  You can also reapply a top coat every 3-4 days to help keep nails looking fresh and from chipping as well.

*This is in no way a product endorsement.  I hope this info is beneficial to you.  I still prefer the acrylic nails to the natural due to the longevity of the polish and the hardness of the nails, but it is always going to be more cost effective and healthier if you just paint your natural nails yourself.

She's Baaaaaack

I've decided to get back at this due to semi-popular demand.  Many people seem to enjoy my random wit and sarcastic retorts, so they crave more wise words from Z.  It would be so much easier if Bravo just came to me and offered me my own reality show so I wouldn't have to bother sitting down to type and could just have a camera crew follow me around on a daily basis so I could live, rather than live and pause periodically to write about living.  Anyway, for my devoted friends and fans, I will go ahead and succumb to your wishes because I am simply that generous and awesome.  I am also humble, too.

As many times as I get compliments on my makeup, hair, and clothing, I thought it would be a good idea to include some of my product recommendations on my blog as well.

So, there ya go.  I'm back.  You're welcome.  :)

Friday, January 20, 2012

"Kokomo" reworded by ME to fit our beloved MEMPHIS GRIZZLIES!! A must read!!

"Kokomo" reworded by ME to fit our beloved MEMPHIS GRIZZLIES!!  A must read!! 

Dante, Jeremy, ooh I wanna take ya
Conley, Pondexter, come on sexy papas
Key Pargo, and Z-Bo,
Rudy why don't we go,
The Forum

Off of Beale Street
There's a place called the Grindhouse
That's where you wanna go
To watch the Grizz win it all
Bodies in the stands
BBQ nachos in your hand
We'll be kissing for all
In front of a random camera man 
Down on the court

Tony, Selby, ooh I wanna take you to
San Antonio, Oklahoma, come on sexy papas
Key Pargo and Z-Bo,
Rudy why don't we go,
Ooh I wanna take you to the playoffs so
we'll get there fast
and then we'll take it slow
That's where the Grizz wanna go,
You can even ask Z-Bo...

Marc and Z, without...the playoffs would be weak...

We'll pull out the threes
and we'll perfect team chemistry
2 by 2 we'll defy
a little bit of gravity
Rebound delight,
Crowd cheers and scoreboard lights
That dreamy thought of the prize,
give me a Memphian contact high
Way down in Grizzly town