Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Our Country's Future Is At Stake

Fortunately for my heart, my brain, my eyes, my sanity and my Facebook friends and Twitter followers, I was out with friends tonight and happily missed the DNC. I did, however, see clips from a few of the speakers and I must say that I have been reassured that I don't need to waste any time watching the rest of it. It is no secret where I stand politically, which I speak often about because I am PASSIONATE about it, and I am a Republican and I am DAMN PROUD of it.

I have watched this country in the last four years lose its AAA credit rating, we've seen our president triple the deficit who promised to CUT IT IN HALF, we've seen 23 million people become unemployed- I would know, I was one of them and still am and I don't factor into that # because I don't collect unemployment, and yet the citizens voted for a man who promised to "create jobs". Well, when something isn't working, you're not going to stick with it.

Do you keep a boyfriend or girlfriend if the relationship isn't working? No. You break up.

If your car breaks down, do you fix it or drive it around for four more years hoping it fixes itself? No, you get it fixed or you get a new one, depending which is more cost effective.

If your refrigerator stops working, your food is going to go bad, you're going to spend more on dining out, as well as for your replacement refrigerator- but no matter what, you're going to get one that actually works and keeps your food cold.

If you get a job, and you fail, is your boss going to keep you and keep letting you "attempt" to do better or is he going to get rid of you and find someone who will actually get the job done? You already know the answer to that.

If you get a good grade in college, do you praise yourself or do you praise everyone in the class? You praise yourself because YOU earned that grade.

If you have a computer virus, are you going to keep using your computer, potentially letting other folks break into your system and gain access to your personal information and possibly starting racking up charges on YOUR money or are you going to take it and get that virus removed?

To me, Obama is like a virus. We need a new remedy because Obama HAS NOT worked. He promised to get the job done in 4 years or be a one term president. Let's hold him to that promise and turn America back around to the America where we are the land of the FREE and home of the brave- not the land of folks who want want want for FREE and home of the people who fear for their future, their children's future, and their grandchildren's future.

Let's get our AAA credit rating back. Let's get these 23 million people BACK to work. Let's stop relying on China to come build our bridges. Let's stop enabling the lazy and handing out hard earned money. Let's lower gas prices. Let's get the economy back on track. Let's get Americans back to feeling comfortable and able to feel safe and secure on their own turf.

That being said...Romney/Ryan '12, baby!!!

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