Monday, June 16, 2014

Lindsey's Do's and Don'ts For MEN!

Originally composed September 25, 2010 at 3:24pm

Ok, after the last few weeks, and well, honestly, my entire life, I feel that it is necessary to explain a few do's and don'ts to the men out there. 


1. Do NOT ask a girl out the day of or the day before you want to take her out.  If you want to see a girl on Friday, ask her out no later than Wednesday.


2. Do NOT expect a girl to MEET you on a date.  Go and pick her up- or at least offer to and give her the final decision on how she shall arrive.   We are not pizzas and do not deliver ourselves to men.


3. Do NOT take a girl out and expect her to pay for her own.  If you ask her out, you should accept the financial commitment that comes along with going on a date. 


4. Do NOT invite her to do something and then never bring it up again.  We're none too fond of men who don't "follow-up".


5. Do NOT call a girl once, choose not to leave a voicemail, hang up, then call right back.  Chances are, we are busy, or just don't want to talk to you.  Just call once and leave a message. 


6.  The same thing goes for texting.  Don't text me and then keep doing so without any response back from me.  Be a grown up and wait for a response or take an inadvertent hint.

              Example: I recently made the mistake of asking a guy with a flash on his cell phone camera to take a photo for me and send it to me via text.  It never occurred to me at that point that he would proceed to blow up my phone for the next couple days.  One morning he texted while I was asleep.  By the time I finally woke up, I had received a second text from him saying "your phone must be broken, I know someone who repairs iPhones".  Nothing about that makes me want to text you back.  In fact, it makes you seem like an insecure little baby- and no woman is looking for a baby.  In fact, I wasn't looking for anything from him other than a picture.  Next time, I will request it be emailed to me. 


7. Do NOT ask me questions about places and things that I like or want and then do absolutely nothing with it after implying you were planning to.


8. Do NOT make me feel guilty for your insecurities.  I am and can only be responsible for myself. 


9. Do NOT text me late at night.  Not every night am I a night owl. 


10. If I tell you no ONCE, you should probably still expect the same response on the 4th and 5th attempts too.  I am not fond of having to decline the same guy for a date over and over again.  I mean, I give you A for effort, but F for making me feel awkward having to constantly tell you no.  Telling you no is a lot easier than giving you a sympathy date that you, at the time, would be unaware of, then probably figure out once you suggested we go out again and I then told you no.  I'd rather be upfront in the beginning and say "no".


11. If a girl just recently got out of a relationship, or told you she did, that is NOT the time to ask her out and try to move in on her vulnerabilities- even if you try to cover it up with "just as friends".  Women aren't dumb and we see right through that song and dance.  Just respect her grieving period and give her her space.


12. Do NOT be scared of a girl just because you think she is "out of your league" or "hot". 

             Example: I recently overheard an attractive guy tell one of my beautiful girlfriends that several times he has refused to ask a girl out because she was "too pretty" and he thought she would shoot him down.  Just go for it.  Women appreciate confidence, not cockiness.  But if she says no, respect her decision and maturely walk away.


13. Make a woman feel like she is the most important star in your sky.


14. Randomly bring/send a girl flowers; not just when you are "Sorry". 


15. Do NOT tell me about how much money you have, what gadgets you possess, how fancy your car is, how big your house is, or what you have done for someone else, especially another female, especially if you're not doing it for me too.  None of this impresses me.  In fact, it disgusts me at how insecure and pretentious you are.  The term "nouveau riche" comes to mind.