Friday, October 19, 2012

It Doesn't Matter If You're Black or White

If I see one more post about a black person saying "how many blacks are gonna vote for Romney", I'm gonna lose my ish!!! RACE does NOT define political party!!!!! There are SEVERAL BLACK conservatives, and it's ASININE that the rest of their race gives them grief for being such, and there are several WHITE democrats. Why does it bother people so much?! I mean, I'm bothered that ANYONE could support Obama, but it has jack squat to do with Obama's color or their color. 

I thought years ago black people wanted equality, yet every time you turn around, they are saying this SIGN discriminates against them, or this AD is about them, etc, and they play the race card, and tell others to vote for Obama "because he is one of them". Guess WHAT?!!? At the end of the day, we are ALL human, we ALL have a brain (some better than others ;) ), and we ALL have the same RIGHTS. 

No ONE person is better than the next because of skin color, political affiliation, job, size of house, size of income, etc. Mitt Romney is not better than someone living in the projects because he is wealthy; he is wealthy because he got an education and took risks that he was fortunate with. No one ever got rich and stayed in the free society by collecting from the government and selling drugs. Don't hate on Mitt, let him INSPIRE you. 

This election is about our COUNTRY; not the honky or the brother who are running. GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEADS!!

THANKS, I'm out. :)

Monday, October 15, 2012


I still just canNOT comprehend how anyone can say they lean towards Obama. It baffles me, especially when they cite reasons such as healthcare and education. You know...the healthcare that you will be TAXED if you don't have, the healthcare that will decide who, what, when, where when it comes to your procedures, doctors, and IF you will even GET care. The healthcare that once was offered by mo
st employers and is now being taken AWAY by most employers because they can no longer afford to operate with it. And the education that has already got one state having different target standards based on a student's RACE. THAT is the direction Obama is taking us in. A direction where things will COST MORE, FEWER jobs will be available, which means with fewer people working, there will be LESS consumption and fewer consumers, which means even MORE people end up out of work, where if you don't have a job, you won't be able to afford healthcare on your own and if you don't carry health insurance, you will pay a fine which comes in the form of a TAX that Mister Obama PROMISED he would never impose on the middle class. A direction where more and more kids will go to college, incur large debts, and then not be able to pay it back due to the lack of jobs. A direction where the cost of gas is going up because our president wants to deny us of our own resources and instead give the money to foreign countries. A direction where soon China will own us. Is that where YOU want this country to go? I know I don't. Do your homework, people. Don't sit on the side and go "I don't know much about politics." EDUCATE YOURSELF!!! READ!! But if you stand around and are lazy about knowing what the REAL issues are at hand, you have absolutely NO business bitching about it when you don't get the result you want. It's time to turn things around. And after four long, dreadful years, we have that ability. The time has come. Let's make this time be beneficial for US and not some celebrity wannabe community organizer. Let's make Obama be a one term president and get this country back on the RIGHT track.